Google is just old now???

ChatGPT od The Everything Store in 2023馃榾


Reddit & Twitter?

Reddit follows Twitters lead and begin charging the biggest companies for API access.馃槶馃槶馃槶


GitHub & Copilot X鉁嶏笍鉁嶏笍鉁嶏笍

GitHub Copilot is evolving to bring chat and voice interfaces, support pull requests, answer questions on docs, and adopt OpenAI鈥檚 GPT-4 for a more personalized developer experience.

GitHub Copilot started a new age of software development as an AI pair programmer that keeps developers in the flow by auto-completing comments and code. And less than two years since its launch, GitHub Copilot is already writing 46% of code and helps developers code up to 55% faster

GitHub Copilot Chat is not just a chat window. It recognizes what code a developer has typed, what error messages are shown, and it鈥檚 deeply embedded into the IDE. A developer can get in-depth analysis and explanations of what code blocks are intended to do, generate unit tests, and even get proposed fixes to bugs.

GitHub Copilot Chat builds upon the work that OpenAI and Microsoft have done with ChatGPT and the new Bing. It will also join our voice-to-code AI technology extension we previously demoed, which we鈥檙e now calling GitHub Copilot Voice, where developers can verbally give natural language prompts.____________馃憣馃憣馃憣馃憣



ChatGPT - Story ???

Bij膮cy rekordy popularno艣ci w ostatnich tygodniach ChatGPT, czyli generator tre艣ci, kt贸ry przy pomocy sztucznej inteligencji jest w stanie odpowiada膰 na pytania, mo偶e by膰 nie tylko technologiczn膮 zabawk膮, ale tez 藕r贸d艂em znacznego zysku dla jego tw贸rc贸w. Firma OpenAI prognozuje, 偶e do 2024 roku mo偶e osi膮gn膮膰 przychody rz臋du 1 mld dolar贸w.


ChatGPT to nowy chatbot, kt贸ry z do艣膰 du偶膮 precyzj膮 potrafi odpowiada膰 na pytania u偶ytkownika i wchodzi膰 w dyskusj臋. Przestestowali艣my jego dzia艂anie: potrafi napisa膰 wiersz, udziela膰 porad, ale te偶 porusza膰 tematy kontrowersyjne z obszaru polityki czy religii.